Hospitality Management Study Tour to Granada, Spain

The economy of Andalusia depends on the service sector, where most of the employment is directly related to tourism. This Spanish region is one of the preferred destinations both for local and international visitors. The GEMFM Hospitality Management Specialization includes a study tour to Granada. During this study trip, participants will take a 24-hours module […]

Family Business Study Tour to Granada, Spain

The GEMFM Family Business Management Specialization includes a study tour to Granada. During this study trip, participants take a 24-hours module, provided by the Family Business Center at University of Granada. Visits to successful family businesses in Granada are scheduled, where participants are exposed to testimonies from Spanish family businesspeople. The study trip lasts 5 […]

New York Study Tour

The 5-days New York Study Tour consists of an intense and competitive simulation of bank management strategies, together with visits to financial institutions and important financial sector players. It usually takes place in the Cornell Club, with a combination of guest speakers and simulation-based training provided by ProBanker. Prior guest speakers included Tabish Almas (Quantitative […]